Five Nights At Freddys Roleplay Wiki

~~As Roadhog~~

Me: So, we're attacking? Alright - I'll distract them.

  • one moment of me taking the side later*

Me: Alright, they're focused entirely on my team, haven't noticed me yet...time to give them something else to worry about.

  • charges forward guns blazing*


Another Fight

Me: Alright...the enemy will think the point is undefended, but in reality, I'm here in the corner, unseen! MUAHAHAHAHA!

  • Enemy D.Va comes in*

Me: ...Crap.

Another Fight

Me: And there's the point! Time to be a distraction!

  • goes on the point while the rest of the team goes ahead*

Me: ...Uh, hello? Is anyone going to stop me? Seriously, the capture meter is over halfway at this point, someone should probably-

  • enemy approaches*

Me: There we go...

~~As Lúcio~~

Me: Alright, everyone to the front so I can use a massive speed boo...

  • enemy appears in line of sight*

Me: On second thought, everyone go to the side!

Another Fight

Me: Well, this seems to be going pretty well! I think I'll just stay on the point and be a good little healer until the match-

Enemy Junkrat: FIRE IN THE HOLE!

Me: Nope.

  • switches to speed and boosts away from the point*

Me: Nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope-

Another Fight

Me: HOLY CRAP THIS IS SO CLOSE WE JUST NEED TO CAP THIS LAST POINT AND NO ONE'S ON IT I'M GOING TO GET ON IT AND WAIT why is no one bothering to attack me when I'm on the point-

Announcer: Victory!

Me: ...Eh, their loss.

(The above was all based on true fights I had while doing Lúcio/Roadhog.)

(Just FYI.)
